Yo... I'm about to fucking blow... Its time to prove to you hoes that... I'm dabbling with the game, its fucking insane feeling the bullets flowing through your brain A drug a motherfucker wants to obtain shit, Im mowing through this campaign! Some people struggle to gain Bitch, I feel the pain... fuck. Switching up my game, you be looking lame Like a horse on the ground, give me a pound of that bush. Some of that good kush, not some wack shit to push Not the president, Clinton, Raegen, Trump. Start forgettin it. In your mind like a formal resident, i set the presedence Fuck, opening my mind up to the resemblance But shit, it makes me hesitant. Dont ask, that isnt relivant *sigh* Fuck it, imma do the opposite of what they say I dont see me having it another fucking way. But hey, I can feel the flame opening anyday. Stare into the eyes of satan, better start to pray. Take it, leave it, I see it on the display. If you keep on hatin' get the hell away. Fuck how I feel, I'd know it being gay. Start throwing blows, ask me how I know. Call me a weirdo while snorting that blow. Fuck that might be hella low, still; go die slow. (Lucid freestyle goooo)