Countless - Sketchy Chris ========================================================= I spend some nights, fucked up; doubtless seen you look at me, now you need some amount plus I dont need much but you around us, it surrounds us. Keep telling you, no, I'm boundless. My mind isn't something to handle; I told you, my demons are countless. I eat up the drugs, when, where, its not enough sitting in route, to something fucked up. But I'll hold on continue textin ya plug. No sweat, shrug... I wish nothing but the best, hugs no mess yeah. It tugs on my heartstrings but bud confess. That shit just crawls up in my. Now up in my brain, rubs me the wrong way. You may have a son, but I'll sure sum it up. With guns, gloves, smoke in my lungs, and no love. I'm not a thug, just have some fucked up bugs haah. Countless... Swinging the axe around, mental issues arising All these people advising, off to another baptizing Unsurprising, back up in an ambulance resizing my life to a couple of knives revising plans to break out continue on revising my plans, sufficing with the pricing. No dicing, I'm trying, writing. Providing. Shit still underlying. I'm sitting up in the corner. But everyone fighting, countless striking. I'm done describing... But back to the basics, waking up taking me off to the lasix appointment. My eyes been fucked up way since, about age six? It may fix, but base is ive been underway since fuck, gay sex abd spaceships so play this... Two weeks later, everyone just convey this. It'll be the basis for our oasis. Do me a favor and explain this